Inspirations Translated

The Power Of Powerless Thinking = 'Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself'. Ludwig Wittgenstein I can't change the society, but I can take advantage of my inability.
Chicken Box = The main inspiration from where it all began. Food and packaging. Gang food. Young lads. Fast food. Lazy. Yellow and red colour. Loud. Minority. Attitude. Bones. Spitting. Fat. Cigarettes. Cans. Rubbish. Trainers. White tops. Tracksuits. Street life. Drugs. London transport. Community police. Intimidation. Ubiquitous.
Judgement = Right judgement is important. Do not make assumptions! What is right, what is wrong?? Analyse. Belonging. Prejudice. Appearance. Compare. Opinion. Forming. Behaviour. Discriminating. Vocal. Fear. Filter. Insecurity. Passing. Safety. Dominating. Difference. Similar. Forceful. Feeling. Empowering.
Levelling Down = Some are better than others. Some people are idiots, others average, and the rest geniuses. Politics of envy. Social. Unfair/fair. Inclusive. Base. Equal. Opressive. Limiting. Unprogressive. Information. Under perform.
Shaolin Take Away = Deliver impossible, design and share the craziest idea possible. Strike where they wont expect. A system, a franchise service for instant learning of Shaolin technics.
Intellectual Kit = Make them think! For A-L-L (users). Yeah right.
Explanation Book = Translate and describe everything that everyone could understand. Context report!? A collection of design things that are explained differently, and their meaning rather positive and opposite, in some cases, of a common idea which is negative. Crappy things are cool, eg. 'the enlightenment switch'.
Addiction = Users are addicted to food. Some like delicious and healthy food, SLOW FOOD. Vegetable products - 'new food', some prefer different kind of delicious and not so healthy food, FAST FOOD. Animal products - 'old food'.
Medieval Tools = Look at the old tools and see how much they differ from the modern ones. Check the progress in design (practicality, aesthetics, meaning).
Thing's Behaviour = How things - packaging behave?? What they do, where they go, why, how etc??
Animals' Festival/Parade = Save animals, protect them, live with them, don't eat and torture them. Let them celebrate!
Design Mafia = Get all the business and power in design industry in mafia fashion. Make your own rules. Ignore existing design industry and become one yourself. Independence is everything, but you need financial independence.
Money Laundering = Idea Laundering
Violence = Obsessiveness
Corruption Of Justice = Corruption Of Aesthetics
Payoffs And Bribes = Exchange
Influence Peddling = Friendship Peddling
Broker Capitalism = Broker Creativism
Network Of Trust = Network Of Believe
Cross Ownership = Cross Ideaship
Personal Ties = Belonging
Subcontracting = Subpartnering
Extortion = Acquire
Acquisition = Share
Recession = Actual and interesting. Good and bad consequences. The brand new jobs and future employment. New ways of living: food, energy sources, waste, transport, communication, clothing, music, fun.
Defunct Things = Recycling. New function. Lots of potential. Reconsider. Think again. Use them. Cheap things used as a high quality, luxury design (high finish, high value). Encouraging poor people to use the same thing and make the same design themselves.
Colourful Playground = Must be playful, fun and various. Malice and bright colours. Safety. Made to look like big fruits & vegetables to AID child's development. Wings & slides made of garbage with tags/content to teach children about footprint and product's background.
Sex = Please. Sex of things? Milk bottle and chicken box? Sausage wrap and pepper pizza carton? Milking tools and egg shells?
Garden And Farm Tools = Shapes for brand new utensils and crockery? Rake, hoe, broom, fork, gloves, shears, scythes, shovel, spade, trowel, bucket, pruner, secateur, lopper ...
Tools That Help Endangered Species Reproduce = Designer's sex toys and other erotic accessories?? Massive cock ring for elephant or whale? Save animals! Help them however you can. Don't forget about them. We are all Earthlings.
Cheesy Things = Profound is pretentious, arrogant and offensive! Top designers know that society as a whole is not profound. Cheesy may be interesting to look at.
Fools, Cads, Knaves And Idiots = They are everywhere. Especially beware of the dangerous people that think they are smart and they are ruling the world.
Enigma = Packaging that you need to figure how to open it first before you can eat. Maybe. eg. Borobudur - buddhists' temple (Java, Indonesia). A tool to guess and progress. A western and modern alternative. (All modern evil things gathered in one place including bad emotions).
Best Sellers = What are best sellers? Why, how? Context report should be the best seller.
Special Utensils & Crockery = Cannibalism!! Cannibalistic instruments. Modern kitchen designs?
Prepare For War = Refugee kit, escape tools & technics (rope, gun, knife, ammo, survival guide, family photographs), mountain/sea/desert/tropical/very cold ... Signalling techniques. Stockpile of necessary items (food). Good plants/ poisonous plants. Dangerous animals. Food foraging. Water supplies. Camping supplies. First AID kit. Fishing kit. Camouflage.
Collections = + value - system! Repetition, Repetition, Repetition, Repetition ... Collection of shopping lists and receipts - see the difference. Collection of packaging that contain animal products.
Non-Monetary Currency = Exchange culture. Food. Furniture. Services. Favours. One child thought about animal treatment, and one adult converted to vegetarian is the currency!
Shopping List = Behaviour rectification. Needs. Priorities. Recession. Economics. Collection. Value. Transformation.
Farm Tourism = The future is farm!
Toys For Mature People = Whose able to mentally apprehend abstract concepts? Plot. Trap. Trick.
Kitsch = High expectancy kitsch. Respect. Ugly. (See cheesy things).
Scarcity = Is the mother of innovation!
Laziness = It must be good for something. 'Low down not good for nothing'.
Regeneration = Society. Environment.
Stereotypes = Getting rid of stereotypes and prejudice. Stereotype design? Stereotype things? Food packaging is not dead once the food is consumed.
Gangs' Hobbies = A brand new hobby for gang members. A hobby that is better than stubbing and shooting. Through the play/game with chicken box and bones and animal they have eaten ... (See chicken box).
Copyrights = Challenging the idea of the author. 'Stealing' other peoples/designers/owners ideas, forms, packaging, and use them further? Also by heavy usage over the short period of time, or slight alteration of the objects, they become personalised? (See plotting the great trap).
Something For Nothing = Value of nothing. Sell and buy nothing, provide nothing, do nothing. Nothing business, nothing industry. All this, nothing, is something.
Negative Advertising = Opposite to advertising we know. eg. persuading people not to travel, eat animal products, buy in general that they don't need ...
Picnic Hamper = This time different (wind, water, sun, hygienic, fire etc. proof). Fishing tools, and other tools to carve and make cups and plates for eating?
Suicide Kit = Make it easier for wristcutters. Discrimination.
Encourage And Motivate = People out of loneliness, dissatisfaction, cynicism, rejection and depression. Nature - Animal - Humankind: Make the connection. (See Earthlings).
Playgrounds = Fun park. Supermarkets. Imagine: You want a tin of tomato for 45p, you pay 45p and get two shots to shoot the tins. If you shot two, you get one that you payed for, and one free (buy one get one free), if you miss both shots, you don't get anything. Grandma that cannot shoot can ask a young lad nearby for help if she is lucky not to end up hungry.
Sports = Hobbies. Relax. Player. Game win win, always win. National sport as governmental law to make packaging with awareness.
Festivals = Future business. A place to make business.
Ooparts = Out of place artifacts is a term coined by American zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson for a historical, archeological or paleontological object found in a very unusual, or even impossible location. Lighthouse in the forest. Vessel used as a roof ... Great design idea in a worse possible object.
Values And Costs = Energy. What is the real value of ideas/things/objects/designs? How much does it costs to make one?
Gossip = What gossip? I should not care although I do.
Creating New Jobs - Funny Job Inventor = A hole maker, tea maker, joint/spleaf roller, internet browser etc. (See recession).
Storytellers = Politicians are storytellers. Story best sellers. Context report?
Tribes' Tools = Indigenous people of the world. Hunting/fishing tools. The life of the greatest warriors.
Multiplicity = 'Ice on ice—How very nice'. Ice-pick/dagger made of ice; An axe and a hand saw made of wood; Paperclip made of paper; Litter made of garbage; Book shelf made of books ... Good intentions give good results. Evil make evil.
Dictionary = All nature, all animal and all man dictionary. Context report?
Friendship = Warship. Links. Relations. Networking. System. Rhizome. Facebook, Myspace, Hi5, and yes, what about me? A good friendship connection with farmers, supermarket giants and other people involved in the food industry is compulsory.
Mess Message = Revel in the mess! The mess has a message! Foraging amid the mess alone yields ... stunning breakthroughs. (See food leftovers, used packaging ... and madness in your head).
Troubleshooting Troubleshooter = Means S.T.O.P. animal consumption and fur fashion. Troubleshooter is the idea implemented within existing packaging.
All Ideas Are Made, Nothing Is Seen Yet = Thinking or looking? Whatever I came up with, and do a little research, I find someone that made it before, at least similar, drawn in the cartoon or joke. Since no one is looking with awareness nothing is seen yet.
Shelters, Warmt, Light, AID, Security, SOS, Etc. = 'I should not be alive'.
Illegal And Semilegal Events = Mandatory. Compulsory. In order to be successful.
Whispers = Let design whisper the idea to user.
Word Hijacking = New words. New language. New communication.
Cosmological Infinitesimal = Find the smallest particle in the design/idea. Think and look big as possible. Beyond universe.
Parasite Design = Take existing ideas and objects and make them better. Implement. Empower the stuff. Origami on food packaging.
Consumerism Police = Service. Supermarkets. Food markets.
Improve Scarcity Ideas For Poor = Get to know them well.
Predictions And Prophesies = Past/Present/Future. Time. Proven/Disproven. Dreams. Thoughts. Witch. Wizard. Mind. God. Visions. Events. Calamity. People. Places. Actions.
Plots = Plotting, leaving design traps for good purpose. 'Designer is a cunning plotter laying his traps'. (V. Flusser)
Intelligent Children's Toys = Learning tools. Do not, under any circumstances, underestimate their intelligence, knowledge in creative mind.
'Tetris' Puzzle Bricks = Pavings, Blocks, DIY Design, Building material. Create a 'pentominoes' picture, and build the house with walls, windows, doors, balcony, and also furniture due to the shapes of 'tetris' blocks. Packaging??
Anthropology Designers = Examine the past societies, their habits, behaviour ... compare with modern consumerism and materialistic societies. Food. Hunting. Gathering. Preparing. Buying. Cooking. Eating. Nature. Industrial world.
Weddings And Funerals = Black and white. Happy and sad. Balance. D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Celebrations. Crying. Eating. Starving. Plenty and none. Woman and Man. Woman and Woman. Man and Man. Man and Animal. Connect.
Forensics = Detectives. Technics.
Special Paper Roll = For people with flu, and coke-heads. (Extra soft, injective with moisturiser, no parfume, never ending supply). Possible to print context report on toilet roll?? (Floating poo - contains lots of sugar), eating habit, toilet urge. Slavoj Zizek about toilets??
Labels And Tags = Street names. Thing names. Wayfinding and wayloosing.
Design Killer = Why design killed the world? Idea.
Learning Programs = System. Active Involvement. Varied. Tailored. Individual. Progressive. Stimulating. Creative. Learning packaging. Implement!
Arms Accessories = eg. gun magnets, nice guns, nice accessories ...
Ancient Warriors = See Tribes, Indigenous people, Anthropology design.
Chance = Take a chance. Plenty of chance. (Inevitable Airbag)
Magic Dust = Magic packaging, magic play, magic people, magic dust.
Stress = See P.E.S.T.
Communities = Back Off. A Bug's Life. Briefs produced in the beginning.
Social Relations = Briefs produced in the beginning. How consumers relate to each other, thats how they relate to other Earthlings?
Information And Data = Information Kills Time. Preserve Me. How To Feel And Access Information. Briefs produced in the beginning. Record, collect and store as much as possible!!!
My Girlfriend's Needs = Design whatever she needs and desire. Difficult one. Design for one and you design for all. Custom design!!!
Politics = Voice. Vote. Parties. Rules. Affiliations. Gossip. Posturing. Enemies. PR. Issues. Local. National. People. Action. Social. Policy. Debate. Regulations. Ballot. Government. Law.
'People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous.' Edmund Burke
Married To Something = eg. Taliban is married to a gun. Afgan knees-up (Taliban twist at Afgan knees-up, a handgun hop), Terrorists' party - like a political party. Rhizome system. Again, nothing is crazy. Married to design??
Shrinking Cities = Honeycomb architecture. From cities to highways. Peripherisation. Subcultures. Moving cities. The psychogeography of fear. Space Pioneers. (See Design mafia).
Lodestar = SHOW ME THE WAY!

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