

Source: TIME Magazine

Refrigerated Transport


Packaging 02

Sole Packaging

Another rather crazy but not stupid idea (there are no stupid ideas, everything can serves as a trigger) for all people that are walking inwards. Buy your fish, in this case sole fish, and after the use determine whether your kids are walking correctly that is slightly outward as the pictures suggest. Recognise the solecism and get orthopedics before its too late.

It does encourage you to eat the fish though ...

... but also motivates you to support massive fishing and killing of the species unless you catch one yourself.

Picnic Set: Play

After the picnic meal, tear the hoops printed and perforated on the stand, and throw them on top and around the bottle. They come in various colours for many players. Suitable for all age.

Hoop on the paper food cup ...

It it also perfect for time killing, for people that came with the boat to a new country without asylum, now hiding in nearby forests, waiting to be transfered somewhere safer.

Honeycomb Containers: Furniture

Enjoy the food, and collect separate take away metallic containers. Design your own honeycomb structure. Repository architecture. Fix detached containers onto the wall or assemble them together on top of the table so they become interdependent as one piece of furniture. Material: recyclable steel??

Food Palette

This is an alternative take away packaging. For multiple use: eat, clean, refill.

Lunch Box: Play

Kids' parents make a secret hoard of food to take it with them to school every morning. Some kids eat their food, others not, and some like to exchange with others. In the latter case, kids can now play football win to win a certain ingredient and choose whatever they like from the opponent's box.
There are also toothbrushes to suggest and encourage them to brush their teeth after lunch. They also serves as the flags for the corners of the playing terrain (school table). They stick to the table.